Saturday, October 24, 2009

Virgin post

Alright. This blog is born long ago.... it was meant to be a blog exclusively for me and somebody... of the past. But it didn't take off. alright cut the craps.

Thought that a blog must reflect on it's owner.


I decided on this simple yet clean design.

Added songs that really make me feels. My favourites... do spend some time listening to them ok? Cause i believe that one can tell the other's personality through the other's song play list.

Maybe i should do a little self introduction.

Im a simple guy yet with complicated thoughts
Im much more sensitive than others
I use my heart more than my head
I'm stubborn but i do listen to what others had to say and keep it processed in my head
I love food
I love good looking things/people
Im used to procastinating
I live in a fantasy world in my head
I think of much more things than anybody of you reading this is
Likes stability
Often misunderstood by others

In short im just a typical scorpio and loving it :D

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