Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The question

I had a colleague of mine asking me this question randomly today

"so... kelvin... when are you going to get yourself a girlfriend?".

This sentence has popped up in front of my face for like quite a number
of times. And this week alone its the 5th time.

Hmm sounds like im some guy who is nearing forties and yet not married. LOL.
Im still young ok... im still 20! lolx. ok after a few more days i will not be.

Sometimes i really look back at all the sweet memories i had with my ex(s)
and looking at sweet couples on the streets it really makes me feel like
wanna get into a r/s again. especially when the people around me is either
attached or getting attached. And there are a few chances that comes during this past
2 months which i hesitated to catch, because i know i will going to be very busy.
Besides that i need to save money for my studies etc. And im not confident that i can provide my best for that someone now. It just isnt time.

And i dont really want it to end up the same way like the past... Cause i go
into a r/s thinking i could one day marry the other.

My better friends who know me better will most likely discourage me from going into a
r/s cause they know how badly i will fall if something bad happens and i cant afford
to at this crucial stage of my life when im trying to set my wrongs for the past 12
years of not studying hard enough right this time round.

So... ya. I wont be getting into a r/s anytime that soon. But love is unpredictable,
it comes when you least expects it and you cant hide nor run away from...

but for now i will be just contented by just looking at pretty girls! LoLs! :D

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