Monday, October 26, 2009

Good news!

Haha my days of worries is gone... at least part of it.

I received my letter of acceptance to my school! haha!

I was so worried that i wont make the cut cause i had a friend who applied a diploma part time through a case by case basis and got rejected twice. In the end he went to mdis instead.

Now for the stage 2 is completed now its time for stage 3... the subsidy approval. :)

But still I'm really happy so much so i called my friend and send this news via sms to a few others. haha!

Hopefully things will be much better in the year 2010.
Always thought the year 2009 sucks cause of some unpleasant major events that happened.

But still looking on the positive side i got closer to my friends after a lost, had more time for myself.... got to rid of a bad friend and gain a good friend...... and now... got into the course and school i want. :D

Had been starting to think and reflect alot on myself these few weeks after what sue lin told me via smses.... and yes shes the new friend i gained. I admire her a lot cause shes really hardworking and loving to her bf, and is always at least trying her best to stay positive even on the toughest times. I had quite a few good friends, but i think shes the one who will influence me for the better on my weaknesses.

Used to think that people who are optimistic are pathetic people who are always trying to lie to themselves, but to think of it again im also lying to myself that things are so bad when they are not as bad as it is? And too much of those negative thoughts are ruining me. It will take time to change but I will take this serious step now. Thanks sue lin. You are really sorta inspirational to me :)

And of course not to forget my good army friend jin qin for your advices and smses of encouragement :)

now i hope i can change for the better... and influence the many close people around me for the better too.

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