Friday, October 30, 2009

no yesterday. only today and tomorrow

I scored a double.... of been late 2 days in a row. Damn frustrating and embarrassing. Hope i won't be late tomorrow for work again. There are other better hat tricks to score than something like this.

Had been going out for lunch with the guys in the next office. They are rather senior in the company having work for years and attained a certain level of position in the company. Asked them lots of questions. I found out that I am all the while trying to fight with the rest comparing my time with others all this time.... Im still young but i make myself look like I'm in the mid 30s through my doom's day mentality. I make myself to be more dire than i actually is.

It's never too late. Theres a lot of things i planned for my future and the things i want to have and the kind of lifestyle i want to live.... It doesnt help when my family isnt rich. So everything is on me to crave something out of nothing by myself without any help from others. Its hard but i will do it. I give myself 10 years. 10 years after i wanna be at least somebody...

I want my children to not feel like how i feel now.

Its time to fight for my life.... my future

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